Thursday, September 23, 2004

Money for Nothing and Your Web for Free...

There is a song that was out on the pop charts for quite a while I believe was called 'Money For Nothing and Your Chicks For Free'. It rather exemplified the concept of performing very little to get paid a lot.

I bring this up because I recalled the tune after performing a bit of research for my business regarding web designers and their variety of services and prices.

Like most studies, I found there where:

  • some less than adequate so called Webmasters,
  • some average web designers and,
  • some excellent web designing professionals.

In doing the research, I started to see a pattern that was quite appalling.

Having the proper tools to do most any job is a necessity. The same is true for web designing. Having automation tools, templates and examples to reuse makes the project go faster and can save the customers money when used effectively. I have absolutely no problem with this practice.

The concern came when I learned that several web designers only have one way of building a website and it is only learned by the consumer when he/she wants a modification. At this point, it is scrap the existing site and start over! You have got to be kidding!

On top of this, the site has virtually no promotion to cause people to visit it. It is somewhat expected that 'Build It And They Will Come'. There are still multiple web designers stating this to potential clients and some even believe it themselves!

When pressed about getting visitors, the general answer is 'Pay Per Click' is the only promotion that works. I was absolutely amazed that this mentality still exist.

Let's put it another way... by reading this blog you are using the internet. Think about how you find websites. Do you search via a search engine? Google? Yahoo!?

When you search, do you click on the advertisements or the 'generic listings'?

In my experience, the vast majority of people avoid the advertisements unless something is very difficult to find or the ad is so compelling they can't resist.

Being a data person, I usually try to keep the law of averages on my side and go with the majority. In this case the generic listings. When you build or rebuild your next business website, please think about how you use the internet and determine what would cause you to find the site. This should go a long way towards getting others to visit yours.

Also, check into the customer recommendations first hand of a web designer before allowing them to build or rebuild yours. If I can't get a good reference when spending the money it takes for a good website, I go elsewhere. Considering this is your first impression with potential clients, I would suggest you do the same!

Friday, September 10, 2004

Retailers Need to Prepare for Christmas

Retailers Need to Prepare for Christmas by having their websites designed/redesigned with the right information on each page and each page properly listed with the major search engines. (see prior article on Christmas Retail 2003)

When you stop and think about it, it only makes sense to be fully prepared considering how many consumers now buy online. The problem is that many business owners, including retailers, procrastinate and don't get started in time. With the pace of Google updates (and other search engines), it can take two full update cycles before the new Incoming BackLinks (IBLs) and PageRank (PR) updates get recognized and displayed. For Google, this can take a full 8 - 12 weeks or more!

Time is running out and many online retailers will contact Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Website Marketing professionals with impossible deadlines to prepare for the upcoming retail season. Unfortunately, it will result in less than satisfactory sales due to the lack of forthought, planning and time.

If you are in need of online Christmas sales during the 2004 season, contact your web designer or Website Marketing professional today! Delaying now can cost you considerably later.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Google starting to index Flash Web Sites!

Many web designers and search engine optimization experts around the world realize that Google is the most used search engine in the world. They also realize that getting to the top rankings in Google is very important to people finding their products and services. It has also been recognized that Google has been getting much better at reading and indexing a number of different types of content on the web besides plain .htm and .html type files.

So it is with great interest when we now have learned that Google has developed the ability to scan and index Flash by Macromedia multimedia files!

In the past, many sites had to perform work arounds to enable better Search Engine Optimization and "fit in" their Flash content. This many soon become a thing of the past as Google gets better scanning and indexing Flash content. For more info...