Thursday, October 05, 2006

What is Web 2.0?

Recently, there have been a ton of references to "Web 2.0" and how you can take advantage of it to make money by the handfuls! As with so many other overhyped statements, this is only partially true. Maybe with a little more information we can clarify...

First, a definition of Web 2.0 might be in order:

By the way, Wikipedia would easily be considered an example of Web 2.0 along with many other notables like: Flickr, MySpace, etc. Some personal examples using the services of Web 2.0 would be:,, and

Even using free blogging tools can take advantage of Web 2.0 such as the following:, and {note the links for Digg and at the top). Making it easier for visitors to control their own destiny is a primary factor of Web 2.0. Whether it be bookmarking, leaving comments, organization in a personal area or "Digging" and leaving notes for others, Web 2.0 is much more social than prior internet tools and therefore growning exponentially!

Hopefully this give you a better understanding of Web 2.0 and where the Internet as a whole is headed for the future.