Tropical storm Ernesto stopped by yesterday to leave a reminder that change is inevitable and being prepared a necessity. It can be comforting to know that even when challenges like a tropical storm or hurricane drop in, your business can still be doing business as usual online.
Having a disaster preparedness plan is important to most any business. On the web, having a web host that is prepared for the risks along with programming that can handle life's trials and tribulations, can mean the difference between being profitable versus dead in the water.
As more and more of your business depends on online shopping, it is ever more critical to foresee the challenging risks and how to prevent or minimize their impact on your business. The better you deal with this issue, the more likely your business will continue to grow and thrive over the long haul on the Internet.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Taking North Carolina by Storm
Posted by Michael at 10:36 AM